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Partners’ Life on the Line

In February 2016, a team of Singaporeans flew to Nepal to conduct a children’s camp for the third-culture kids of our Interserve partners. This trip isn’t all about running a camp. Going over to serve the third-culture kids gave me a glimpse of what it is like to be serving God in a foreign land especially with a family. And we were privileged to hear from our Partners’ stories…

Mountainous and breath-taking sceneries; Nepal is definitely a place where mountain lovers and avid trekkers flock to. But on the flip side, places of devastation are only what the locals can seek refuge in. Backward living conditions and a lack of a stable political constitution meant that Nepal is not an ideal place to live in; even for expats. Despite the challenges, they are not leaving.

It is really a hassle to be plucked from where you were rooted and replanted in an environment where you have to start life all over again with a family.

Living in Nepal is inconvenient, unpredictable and scary. It is hard to

imagine living with constant power cuts, limited water supplies, inefficient transport systems and possible fuel shortages. Not only that, being an earthquake zone our partners encountered emotional and mental trauma when a major earthquake hit Nepal last April. While I was sitting on a bench with a partner, my small movement even led her to feel as if another earthquake tremor was happening. Since then, they are always on their toes for natural disasters. Being concerned for their children’s education, and getting anxious when they fall sick often. These are common issues. But one thing that touched me was they still walked by faith. They have stepped out of the comforts of their first world environment to reach out to a people of Nepal.

I witnessed real life examples of people who live by the creed; to live is Christ and to die is gain. With God-given courage they stepped into Nepal and persevered despite hardships and dangers. I saw the love that one Partner has for the people in Nepal, as she recount the happenings of April 2015 earthquake where many lives and livelihoods were destroyed. Tears flowed uncontrollably, trickling down her face. I couldn’t recall when was the last time I cried like that for a people who are lost and broken, and who needs Jesus?

Why would a doctor from Australia with a comfortable income pack her bags to go and be a doctor in Nepal? What else but God’s compelling love and conviction! Yet sacrifices like this cannot compare to what Jesus sacrificed for us.

I look up to all of them for their faithfulness, obedience and love for Jesus. I am not too sure when will I ever be ready like them, but I pray with all my heart, that when God says go, I will be ready to pack my bags and follow Jesus wherever He calls too.

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